The latest news updated on 12/6/2010
The reedited condensed version of Megan Martin - Medallion Mystery is now in print and you can order your autographed copy today from this page!
We have two boxes of these novels and we are selling them here for less than half what Publish America is asking for them retail. We are taking a 50% loss on the sales just so you can have a copy while they last. We have no idea if we will buy any more of these novels from P.A. because the cost is so high and the advantages so low. If they would get the price down where we could afford them and stock them in the bookstores we would be behind them 100%. Not likely to happen.
The problems never seem to let up. Our main server was hit by a malicious hacker who found our public files and began downloading them over and over until they crashed the server. Our server people pulled our domain off line to stop the attack and restore the other websites on that server. This also means all those FREE files that were out there for our visitors are no longer available. I'm sure the hacker could care less who they hurt or how they change our world for the worse.
We have been moving websites including this one to a new server but the pointer keeps changing back to the old server. This site no longer exists there so if you try to log on here and see a website under construction message from that pointer has switched back to the old server again. We have no idea why it's doing this.
The .net and .info sites have also been moved. More sites that we run will follow. Ember Reign is the adult series of Megan Martin. See the website for more information.
After a year and a half and some serious critiquing the second novel was written into an acceptable screenplay. It was also renamed from "The Underworld" to "Project Fallen Angel."
The original series is being reedited, redundancies removed and shortened. The Medallion Mystery went from 86,330 words down to 73,000. It's still the same story, it's easier to read and corrections have been made. The redundancies were written in the original to help children understand what was being said. These will not be in the reedit of the original series.
Ember Reign
Ember Reign book one and two are finished. Loosely based on the original. We still have Megan Martin and her friend May saving grandma's farm, the neighbor's horses, and then some. Ember Reign book 3 is being written.
The first changes deal with Megan's age. In the original we read that Megan was 10 when her grandpa Fred died and grandma sold Megan's pony Sparky without Megan's consent. In the rewrite Megan is 12 and on the farm with her grandparents. Grandpa gives Megan Sparky as a gift and the reader is there to see it as it happens.
In Megan Martin we read that Megan stepped on a nail and got in trouble. In Ember Reign we are there with her and Sparky as it happens. We find out why grandma hates Sparky and why she sends Megan home. We find out when and why grandpa Fred gives Megan a kitten she names Scratches.
After the death of her grandpa Fred, Megan's grandma sells Sparky back to the neighbor. Megan is furious and breaks all contact with her grandma for five years. It's Megan's friend May who finally convinces Megan to return to the farm to help her grandmother.
Five years later Megan and May are not fifteen they are seventeen. The action happens quite a bit faster. It's Megan and May who discover that someone has poisoned the Butler's horses including her beloved Sparky. It's Megan who tells her grandmother what is going on at the neighbors.
There's a creepy character, a hobo Martha allows to live in the west barn down on the corner. Jud has long hair, he's dirty and unkempt and carries either an axe, hatchet or big knife everywhere. To make things worse, he's keeping his "good" eye on the girls.
In the Megan Martin series Megan talks to her cat but that's about the extent of it. In Ember Reign Megan actually communicates with her cat Scratches. She talks to the cat, the cat understands. The cat responds and Megan usually understands. This connection between Megan and her cat causes May some uncertainty. As Megan says, cats do not speak English, they speak "cat" and sometimes it is difficult to understand them.
There's more to Megan speaking to her cat than meets the eye. When Megan was twelve she also talked to Sparky and when Sparky answered Megan frequently understood. You see even without the crown Megan has a gift, she can communicate with some animals.
In the Megan Martin series Simon Banister wants Martha's farm for farming land for a chain of super centers he's building. He's still working that direction but he's even more interested in some of the artifacts that Fred acquired over the years. Maybe he's after Megan's crown and the medallion. Mostly he's after something else that's on the Martin land so there's the twist.
In the Megan Martin series it took Megan and May quite a bit of time to learn how to use the crown device. In Ember Reign Megan uses the crown more than May and it frequently takes them places they don't want to be then it fails causing Megan to work on it to get it to transport them home. Sometimes it takes them into serious jeopardy leaving only moments to beam away.
In the Megan Martin series there was a humorous yet mysterious angel named Payah. In Ember Reign the angel is less visible, even more mysterious. More like a real angel. He does communicate with Megan and he does occasionally speak.
Megan Martin was written for young teens and children who like to read 8-15 years old. Ember Reign is PG-13 for language, violence and adult content, is quite a bit more realistic with considerably more action. It is not for little children and books 2 & 3 have even more adult situations, language and violence.
In Megan Martin certain interesting and important characters were not introduced until novel six. In Ember Reign the adults working Black Op's and ultra secret projects are being told side by side with Megan's story. Megan and May will not become aware of certain characters until book 3 but the reader will be aware of them. Their plot and Megan's plot are different sides of the same story.
One of the exciting events in the Megan Martin series is when a movie star named Julianna Sky comes to spend a week on the dude ranch. The movie star is in the Ember Reign series but how and when they meet is completely different.
A new exciting character is introduced at the beginning of the Ember Reign series. Her name is Rena Delray. No one knows who her parents are because she was abandoned at a church as a baby. She was adopted by a Mexican couple and raised in the mountains near a famous movie producer's home and place of business. The two become acquainted and she tells her strange dreams to him giving him the idea for a movie series about aliens and a battle far beyond the earth in a time not so long ago. Thanks to him Rena and her family are very well off. Megan and her friends meet Rena while trying to solve a mystery brought to them by the nosy neighbor girl Brianna. Later they are shocked to learn that Rena knows more about Ember than Megan does. This presents the question, who is Rena and who were her parents?
More later.